Welcome to Tabletop RPG Encounters. Trying to find the right challenge for your party? Looking for something different than the everyday slug fest that combat can become? Trying to create interesting skill challenges? Just want some inspiration for encounters in your own game? You've come to the right place. We publish encounters either designed by Tabletop RPG Encounters or designed by someone in the community. Check out our Encounters Page or click on one of the newest encounters below. While each encounter has it's own flavor, you are encouraged to take what is there and adjust it to make it fit your game. Feel free to use and share these encounters in any non-commercial way that you please, just make sure to give credit to the site and the author of the encounter wherever you use it. If you are interested in having your encounter shared go to our about and share page.
If you want to check out our thoughts on encounter building design or whatever else we feel like writing about at the moment take a look at our contemplations page.
In addition we have included resources we like, whether for helping us to run a better game or using it for inspiration or for running the game.
In this strange encounter the PCs find a “tavern” in the middle of the woods. A great encounter to throw in a random encounter table to make your world seem interesting and full of mystery.