King of the Hill
In this encounter your PCs are going to be fighting atop a giant construct on top of a hill. This robot is going to throw large attacks that push PCs off the side of the hill. Additionally the robot has some helpers in the form of Kobolds throwing homemade nets and bolas trying to restrain the PCs.
Initial Description:
You climb your way up to the top of the hill finally making it to where the Kobolds seem to have been retreating. As you you see scaffolding created by the kobolds, in the center is a giant made of metal. Clearly crafted hundreds if not thousands of years ago that the kobolds have seem to make a home in. As you survey the scene you here the clanking and scraping of metal on metal. The metal giant babbles in a tongue you don’t understand and then moves towards you clearly prepared to remove you from this mountain top. Roll Initiative.
Metal Giant - The metal giant is one enemy but each of the arms and legs take take independent action on it’s on its own turn. While the head is active the arms and legs will target whichever quadrant they can reach and has the most enemies in it using area effects. If enemies are divided up equally among quadrants the metal giant will split attacks between two enemies using single target attacks. If the head is dropped to zero HP then the limbs will attack random locations with their area effect attacks.
HP 40 AC 18
Construct Arm It is immune to the charmed, frightened, stun, blinded and prone conditions.
If the head is damaged then the metal giant is no longer able to make specific attacks. This means all limbs will roll to see where they attack.
An amalgam of gears and cogs located in the center of the metal giant.
HP 60 AC 17
Resistance - Piercing, Slashing
Weaknesses - Blunt
Construct Arm It is immune to the charmed, frightened, blinded, stun and prone conditions.
If the core reaches zero hit points the metal giant stops working.
Kobolds (x4) 2 on each shoulder of the metal giant. Same as Monster Manual except they are equipped with many nets. They always take one of two actions, which are to throw nets or help the metal giant.
Arm (x2)
The may attack any target or quadrant in the air or on the ground on the corresponding side of the metal giant.
HP 40 AC 18
Construct Arm It is immune to the charmed, frightened, blinded and prone conditions.
Swat: Melee Reach (upper or lower level) (40ft) (+5 to hit) 2d6 + 5 On a hit target must make a DC 15 strength saving throw or be knocked 10 feet backwards.
Sweep: Hits 1 quadrant upper or lower level. The arm attacks one of the three quadrants it can reach. All enemies in the quadrant must make a DC 12 DEX saving throw. On a fail they take 1d6 damage and are knocked off the mountain top (3d6 damage for those on the bottom level, 6d6 for those on the top).
If an arm drops to 0 hp it may no longer take an action.
Legs (x2)
They may attack any target or quadrant on the ground.
HP 40 AC 18
Construct Arm It is immune to the charmed, frightened and blinded conditions.
Stomp: Melee Reach (lower level) (40ft) (+5 to hit) 2d6 + 5 On a hit target must make a DC 15 strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Kick: Hits 1 quadrant on the lower level. The leg attacks one of the quadrants . All enemies in the quadrant must make a DC 12 DEX saving throw. On a fail they take 1d6 damage and are knocked off the mountain top (3d6 damage for those on the bottom level, 6d6 for those on the top).
Turn: The leg can use it’s action to move the robot 90 degrees in any direction.
If a leg drops to 0 hp it may no longer take any actions. If both legs are gone the robot may no longer turn and the core is attackable by melee at the ground level and the head from the top level.
Main: Defeat the robot!
The whole map.
Just the bottom floor.
Just the top floor.
The map is a bit busy in this encounter as there is a top and bottom section. Players can head up on the scaffolding (located 30ft above the ground the metal giant is on) and get right at the core of the robot and avoid the feet. However if they are swatted the risk falling an additional 30ft (increasing the fall damage from 3d6 to 6d6)
Black lines - edge of the hill
Brown lines - Scaffolding
Blue X - Ladder to the top of the hill
Blue Circles - ladders up to the scaffolding
Red lines - quadrants for random rolling
Green Circle - Metal Giant
Special Mechanics:
Falling Damage - Make sure to follow the falling damage rules on (1d6 per 10 feet).
Speed - The main fighting area is 20ft above the platform below. There is a latter, but climbing is considered difficult terrain. This means falling off the platform costs not only the damage, ,but 1 turn getting back (1/2 movement speed from getting up prone, 40ft worth of traveling on the ladder, rogues and rangers may have ways to deal with this).
Easy Re-skins - Could be a sci-fi robot, an enchanted armor of a big bad guy, a construct meant to guard a vault.
Inspirations, Shoutouts, and Thanks - Been playing a lot of soulsborne games recently and this was definitely inspired by some of those encounters.
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